My Deaf Mind

Beneath, beneath, goodwill, well, riddle,
How doth thou like if I sign a paradox,
About how a sheep defeat all the predators?
Neath, neath, look up to the goodwill of our Lord,
The Miracle Creator, how you and I know not much
Of our Lord, the One who the world fights for His Name
But if ye ‘ve got the secret that thee keep them in hidden,
How defy art thou before the Most High, the Almighty One?
Defy, defy, then every one of the Earth cries out to Him,
Fix me, help me, and restore my soul for the sake of our Lord,
But they might ask themselves, is it He or She or They or Whoever
Can see me when I am alone, and whoever can see my thoughts,
Shall the One be called that I decide upon myself, such a man who
Just understand himself as the Deaf Mind, and joins the DEAF WORLD,
Then you come to me I can fix you, join the Hearing Mind, the HEARING WORLD.
So now the fantasy pours the riddle’s water upon my head, what doth thou think?

©️ Ismael Mansoor

Published by This Engrained Heart

I am a Deaf male, and I write what comes my mind. I have been creatively writing since 2010, and from there has been growing my excitement and passionate for my poetry and writing.

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