The Strength To Will

My deaf mind: Affirmations: I have an excellent attitude. I am determined to succeed. I work hard and smart. This above gives me the strength to will myself to break my old thoughts because I am deaf. So, it’s my duty to challenge myself daily (oh, I try my best.) ©️ Ismael Mansoor

Love Always Come From Within

The old thoughts would tell me to love, Understand, and have peace with myself,In every path, every action, and every what is every, But how could I announce to love For my loved ones but not myself? It’s in progress to open understanding. ©️ Ismael Mansoor

Pay Attention To Your Lovely Body

The old thoughts would tell me to love, understand, and have peace with myself in every path, every action, and every what is every, but how could I announce to love my loved ones but not myself? It’s in progress to open understanding. ©️ Ismael Mansoor