A dream’s prophetic

A dream’s prophetic From the old age to the future of peaceThe old war will reduce by time to time,That at the end he will win for all peace,But to that happen he will be merciful,With the help of the Miracle MakerBecause of his kindness that cheers his heartSo the old age to the futureContinue reading “A dream’s prophetic”

The wording in apprehension

What a day, said the simple, what a night,How well in ye of thine life?And the tiny simple said, how well in ye?The form to the core said the riddle,What such work to such noble in thine reason,How to ignore art thou, aw, look at the poverty,Those are such a day, such a night, suchContinue reading “The wording in apprehension”

Peaceful advice

Peace, peace, and peace,This I called, peace!I sail on my water to the ripple,Saying to them like, hold thine horse! Peace, peace, and peace,This calm, wide-openhearted, the time of inner’s peace,Aye, by the doorway, it awaits, and here I say like,I saw the sparkle, at the edge, glowing such inner being,In the spirit, the fire,Continue reading “Peaceful advice”

Inner’s Power

The inner’s power,The power to believe in itself,But ye ask me not for what thou should do,I am not thine inner power I am thy friend or family,I am what thee think of me, in thine world.But the fate should I focus upon mine, so should thou too,For we are our own inner worlds thatContinue reading “Inner’s Power”

Thine free will

I am my free will, so do you, but the thoughts, “One man not free all men free?”It is our minds that scripts our thoughts, saying like, up to ye to thine will.I can say that life helps ye 10%, but ye help thine self 90%. Well, what doth I with 90% that offers myContinue reading “Thine free will”

Love is not biased

Thy love is thine understanding how much is in thy heart,But the love itself is the understanding of the one,How can thee walketh in the love’s shoesIf ye say you love thy family, but not some of your friends,How can thine relatives love thine cow while you slaughter them?Ye say to me, thou art hunger,Continue reading “Love is not biased”