Hard To Define

Thee art special said Reminder,How canst ye not forget thine self?Thou shall be thyself, oh, I will do the same,So that we may shine the world like Remembrance. Ye goest to me for my advice, but I advise ye,That you must go to thee, then ye shall know thine book,For all are special, aye, weContinue reading “Hard To Define”

I wish everything is easy…

I wish everything is easy,Oh yeah,I wish the Miracle is here realistically,Well, how much more can I thinkOut of the wishing… People wish, I bet, animals also,Fish, birds, and well, some people,They think they have no soul,But just animals, just fish, and just birds,Eish is that they think they know everything,But they are not goodContinue reading “I wish everything is easy…”

Energy Of Love

I think we are all born to learn to love.  LOVE is supposed to be an unreplaceable lightbulb.  The lightbulb is already inserted- inside the child’s chest.  Once the mother holds the infant and nurtures it The energy of the mother’s love should go through the lines to connect to the child.  And the mother’sContinue reading “Energy Of Love”

Words paint So of Sit

So went to see Sit,Saying like, look, you relax so muchAnd So preserved, I want our peace,And Sit smiled, thy heart shall peaceSo left to a world of difference,All describe with, wonder in the world,Thou imagination of So and Sit,But let Stand-up for thy soul ©️ Ismael Mansoor

One Day Then May It Is So

Daydream,Abundant is with me,And Wealth sends all money,And ensure they work for me,Then I summon Amen,And the forever days smile,Abundance, overflowing,Like the eternal river,And eternal self-atm,Oh, the Miracle! © Ismael Mansoor

One Day Fantasy meets Reality

Day One where everything changes,And Day Two where all think about,And Last Day where all are miraculousOh, have Belief and Faith in the heart,Of all the blood that serves the Holy © Ismael Mansoor

Mysterious about fondness…

Fantasy Love, it’s opened!Is it open?Come on!It’s going to be awesome! Riddle Thank you!Hey, give me back my love, you feeler!Love!I suck. Fantasy How are you so good at love?I’ve never even played love perfect.I don’t know.There’s felt to how love is feeling think. Complicated, I do feel it,but you sure as heaven does.Feel theContinue reading “Mysterious about fondness…”

My Abstracted Mind 

I painted my mind, In many colours; abstracted art In red, blue, yellow, green, and purple I was so satisfied. Then I met someone with a small canvas mind. I imagined what their minds look like, Oh! It has no colour, just darkness. I tried to paint the colours of the small boxed-minds It justContinue reading “My Abstracted Mind “

Letter to Women

Dear Women,All walks of lifeHere and thereFar and wide Lookism society we live in,We are constantly bombarded with social media feeds that tempts us to compare ourselvesLike.Share.Follow. is a ‘get self-love quick scheme’For us,Destruction criticism is the normOur mind is on the verge of collateral damageReality TV show us everything BUT realityAdvertisers tease us withContinue reading “Letter to Women”