Believe In Yourself

If you don’t believe that you can do anything, your body won’t help you. Unless you believe, your body will. ©️ Ismael Mansoor

Is it linked?

Fantasy Well, sir, how much do you want me to liberate myself?Only I can free ye if I have all the money in the world,then it will be true that I wantest ye to clear thyself.Well, sir, then how much should I understand? Fantasy Whither ye to see a sir, then will ye do myContinue reading “Is it linked?”

Think, Think, and Think

Think, think, and think Do you think you can make the world be your thinking way? Deaf can change Deaf, as Hearing can change Hearing Do you think the Deaf can change Hearing? Yes, why not? For the history taught us That Hearing can change Deaf Proven by the world, oh yeah Deaf wears HearingContinue reading “Think, Think, and Think”

My dream was showing me…

I dreamt that I was flying,But there were many obstacles,Yet I flew through them all,Always something to explore,Fade, different places, and new dimension,There I was flying around the Earth,Then a sphere let me in,Everything looked like an ancient sphere. ©️ Ismael Mansoor

The Problem Still Exists

What sign do you think if you saw something like a poster? But I see it differently. I see to what sign is a language to who cannot speak well, but you, eish, you called them, Dumb and Mute. Hence, it was a long time ago. What, what? Why did you shut down Sign Language?Continue reading “The Problem Still Exists”

Have you?

He said, how do you love yourself? He was sorry to keep saying, youBut he wanted to know if you do love yourself,Because if he knew that you are,He would tell you of life in the love of his opinion,Like how you opinion when you eat, sleep, and wake up,Such is Circle who looks at the world,Continue reading “Have you?”

Long Live Breath!

Thou hath so much in thee,Faith, breath strives ye of thine life,While Truth watches ye for thy actions,And all in that which define of riddles,Saying like, Prose sees Poetry for their words,Yet lines describe by Paragraph and Stanza,But thee got what in you heather ye lo,Well, hitherto that high of heavenHence, farewell not, for BreathContinue reading “Long Live Breath!”